Barre / candles at constant volume level or to
This video shows how you can link the graphic representation of a tool that we want to analyze the volume, through the use of modern computing platforms now so widespread.
It 's possible now svariai years to represent volumes seen as "expressions of interest" in close connection and interdependence with the prices, not simply using a bar time, but in volume. Each bar and / or candle it is with this graphical representation, linked to the passage of time and volume, making it both a variable / factor entirely secondary, as they really need to be in a standard analysis vs REQUEST. Bid. In fact
trading time it acquires an absolutely secondary and relative, while the primary volume or money that is used in the exchange.
This graphical representation, this has been available years, but little regarded, and often set aside in favor of the now classic but less significant representations in time, however, is much more forthcoming and truthful about what is objectively analyzed with graphical analysis.
The video is simply a demonstration of what can be achieved, again for years, with a lot of analysis platforms that support the graphics in real time.
(click on the video 2 times to display it in HD)
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Can Tetralysal Affect Pregnancy
VOLUMES Price-Volume Histogram
In this video you will find a first explanation of how to use a marker present on many platforms for years, to to identify accurately and objectively what are the levels of support and strength of the market and clearly identified areas of volume.
The video is divided into 3 parts, shows the basic logic and how to use this indicator. Unfortunately, it is not possible in view of the limitation in time a few minutes of videos uploaded to a network, carry out fully and comprehensively the issue and various aspects of this method of analysis, but it is a good basis to reflect on its own possible applications and developments.
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
In this video you will find a first explanation of how to use a marker present on many platforms for years, to to identify accurately and objectively what are the levels of support and strength of the market and clearly identified areas of volume.
The video is divided into 3 parts, shows the basic logic and how to use this indicator. Unfortunately, it is not possible in view of the limitation in time a few minutes of videos uploaded to a network, carry out fully and comprehensively the issue and various aspects of this method of analysis, but it is a good basis to reflect on its own possible applications and developments.
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
(click on the video 2 times to watch the video in high resolution)
Monday, October 19, 2009
My Baby May Have Eaten Sudocrem
Euro FX Analysis October 19, 2009
(click on image to enlarge x)
In this post you can see the perfectly logical they move the volumes and then consequently the prices of future price Euro Fx (EURO / USD).
In the first image shows that last week ended with an imbalance (SKEW) negative, ie PVP> VWAP (PVP = Volume at Price = Peak of Peak volumes at a price) (VWAP = Volume Weighted Average Price Average = prices weighted by volumes). This means that last week ended with the volumes that pushed downward (negative imbalance), and in fact in the opening week, at night Italian (futures on Globex 24h 24), the market goes strongly to the downside. This movement has been facilitated by the fact that in the early hours of trading, the volumes are low, so it is easier to be able to do what those who have capital market to influence the market wants. The market then goes down hard and stop the descent on a support (PVP) of book that dates back to October 13 (see Figure histograms with price / volume).
At this point, the momentum oscillator used a simple MACD, it reverses course and turns upward, changing the skew (imbalance) from negative to positive, ie, with volumes starting to favor the increase (PVP < VWAP). Infatti il mercato dopo aver testato la SD-2 ovvero la seconda deviazione standard inferiore, risale, testa anche la SD-1 (prima deviazione standard inferiore)e si avvia, supportato dai volumi in una risalita molto molto forte. Questa è chiaramente una occasione di acquisto da non perdere, in quanto si hanno i volumi che sono dalla parte del rialzo (sbilanciamento positivo) ed un nuovo PVP a supporto sotto il VWAP che può chiaramente essere utilizzato come livello protettivo per un eventuale STOP Loss. Il mercato raggiunge prima il VWAP, poi prosegue nella sua corsa raggiungendo la SD+1 (prima deviazione standard rialzista), poi anche la SD+2 (seconda deviazione standard rialzista) e si mette a camminare lungo questa linea spartiacque. Giunti in prossimità di 1.4941, il mercato incontra dei livelli di resistenza di volume risalenti a venerdì scorso (16 ottobre - vedi istogrammi prezzo/volume). Poco sopra questi livelli (1.4946) iniziano a configurarsi delle divergenze sia su oscillatore di momentum che su Volume Force INDEX (linea azzurra chiara). E' pertanto opportuno chiudere le posizioni rialziste ed anzi girarsi per il ribasso, visto che lo sbilanciamento si è trasformato da positivo (Skew > 0) to negative (SKEW < 0). Quindi a 1.4942 apriamo degli short con target iniziale il nuovo PVP (1.4921) e poi il VWAP. STOP sulla SD+2 (1.4952)(seconda deviazione standard e cmq sopra il max). 21 punti di profit contro 10 di potenziale stop (risk/reward 1/2). Mercato raggiunge il nostro primo target (PVP = 1.4921) dove alleggeriamo la posizione e portiamo lo stop in pareggio per tutelare il resto della posizione. Mercato rimbalza e stoppa in pari la rimanente parte. Continuano però a configurarsi divergenze sui nuovi picchi di massimo, pertanto decidiamo di rientrare di nuovo al ribassocon la stessa strategia di prima, ovvero primo target il PVP e poi il VWAP che rimane il nostro obiettivo finale. Pertanto alle 12:00 entriamo short a 1.4940, primo target 1.4928 e poi 1.4900 STOP sopra il nuovo max (1.4953). poco dopo, viene servito il primo target a 1.4928 e dopo un rimbalzo su 1.4941 (sd+1) , il mercato finalmente crolla e raggiunge il nostro obiettivo della giornata ovvero il VWAP (1.4900) alle 14:16. Poi il mercato di nuovo rimbalza, ma come potete vedere dall'ultima immagine, il nuovo PVP ferma sempre la salita e respinge di nuovo verso il VWAP, rispettando perfettamente la logica dello sbilanciamento dei volumi, che trova conferma anche in questo caso.

(click on image to enlarge x)
In this post you can see the perfectly logical they move the volumes and then consequently the prices of future price Euro Fx (EURO / USD).
In the first image shows that last week ended with an imbalance (SKEW) negative, ie PVP> VWAP (PVP = Volume at Price = Peak of Peak volumes at a price) (VWAP = Volume Weighted Average Price Average = prices weighted by volumes). This means that last week ended with the volumes that pushed downward (negative imbalance), and in fact in the opening week, at night Italian (futures on Globex 24h 24), the market goes strongly to the downside. This movement has been facilitated by the fact that in the early hours of trading, the volumes are low, so it is easier to be able to do what those who have capital market to influence the market wants. The market then goes down hard and stop the descent on a support (PVP) of book that dates back to October 13 (see Figure histograms with price / volume).
At this point, the momentum oscillator used a simple MACD, it reverses course and turns upward, changing the skew (imbalance) from negative to positive, ie, with volumes starting to favor the increase (PVP < VWAP). Infatti il mercato dopo aver testato la SD-2 ovvero la seconda deviazione standard inferiore, risale, testa anche la SD-1 (prima deviazione standard inferiore)e si avvia, supportato dai volumi in una risalita molto molto forte. Questa è chiaramente una occasione di acquisto da non perdere, in quanto si hanno i volumi che sono dalla parte del rialzo (sbilanciamento positivo) ed un nuovo PVP a supporto sotto il VWAP che può chiaramente essere utilizzato come livello protettivo per un eventuale STOP Loss. Il mercato raggiunge prima il VWAP, poi prosegue nella sua corsa raggiungendo la SD+1 (prima deviazione standard rialzista), poi anche la SD+2 (seconda deviazione standard rialzista) e si mette a camminare lungo questa linea spartiacque. Giunti in prossimità di 1.4941, il mercato incontra dei livelli di resistenza di volume risalenti a venerdì scorso (16 ottobre - vedi istogrammi prezzo/volume). Poco sopra questi livelli (1.4946) iniziano a configurarsi delle divergenze sia su oscillatore di momentum che su Volume Force INDEX (linea azzurra chiara). E' pertanto opportuno chiudere le posizioni rialziste ed anzi girarsi per il ribasso, visto che lo sbilanciamento si è trasformato da positivo (Skew > 0) to negative (SKEW < 0). Quindi a 1.4942 apriamo degli short con target iniziale il nuovo PVP (1.4921) e poi il VWAP. STOP sulla SD+2 (1.4952)(seconda deviazione standard e cmq sopra il max). 21 punti di profit contro 10 di potenziale stop (risk/reward 1/2). Mercato raggiunge il nostro primo target (PVP = 1.4921) dove alleggeriamo la posizione e portiamo lo stop in pareggio per tutelare il resto della posizione. Mercato rimbalza e stoppa in pari la rimanente parte. Continuano però a configurarsi divergenze sui nuovi picchi di massimo, pertanto decidiamo di rientrare di nuovo al ribassocon la stessa strategia di prima, ovvero primo target il PVP e poi il VWAP che rimane il nostro obiettivo finale. Pertanto alle 12:00 entriamo short a 1.4940, primo target 1.4928 e poi 1.4900 STOP sopra il nuovo max (1.4953). poco dopo, viene servito il primo target a 1.4928 e dopo un rimbalzo su 1.4941 (sd+1) , il mercato finalmente crolla e raggiunge il nostro obiettivo della giornata ovvero il VWAP (1.4900) alle 14:16. Poi il mercato di nuovo rimbalza, ma come potete vedere dall'ultima immagine, il nuovo PVP ferma sempre la salita e respinge di nuovo verso il VWAP, rispettando perfettamente la logica dello sbilanciamento dei volumi, che trova conferma anche in questo caso.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Allergenic Laundry Detergent
My experience and Indiana 'once a term.
E' decisamnte been a month full of excitement, enthusiasm, melancholy, awareness and new discoveries.
I had never had a relationship so 'alive and true to myself until now.
India and 'was for me my Priama real experience, which taught me a lot more' than I ever could have imagined.
He taught me that smile 'true and sincere, are the ones you get from people with whom life and not' proved to be very generous.
He taught me that there is more joy 'of large chance, without thinking about what you can' get in return.
He taught me that if there 'a handful of rice and' right to share it with those who do not even have a grain.
I learned that you can receive emotional support in times of despair and 'the greatest among the treasures the world.
I learned that in the heart of every man lies the peace and cosmic harmony.
He taught me that is very, very little to smile at life.
He taught me that there is no money in the world capable of making peace with your soul in the universe.
He taught me the meaning of the innocence of a child's eyes, they do not know the bitterness of spirit.
I learned from women, as solid as rocks, which knows no fear.
I learned from girls with smiles as sweet as honey, living in purity. He taught me the
autcontrollo and count to ten in times of transition panics.
And most 'important of all, taught me that freedom' of action and choice, so underestimated by us in the West, is the most well 'precious human dell'essre. A warm hug
My experience and Indiana 'once a term.
E' decisamnte been a month full of excitement, enthusiasm, melancholy, awareness and new discoveries.
I had never had a relationship so 'alive and true to myself until now.
India and 'was for me my Priama real experience, which taught me a lot more' than I ever could have imagined.
He taught me that smile 'true and sincere, are the ones you get from people with whom life and not' proved to be very generous.
He taught me that there is more joy 'of large chance, without thinking about what you can' get in return.
He taught me that if there 'a handful of rice and' right to share it with those who do not even have a grain.
I learned that you can receive emotional support in times of despair and 'the greatest among the treasures the world.
I learned that in the heart of every man lies the peace and cosmic harmony.
He taught me that is very, very little to smile at life.
He taught me that there is no money in the world capable of making peace with your soul in the universe.
He taught me the meaning of the innocence of a child's eyes, they do not know the bitterness of spirit.
I learned from women, as solid as rocks, which knows no fear.
I learned from girls with smiles as sweet as honey, living in purity. He taught me the
autcontrollo and count to ten in times of transition panics.
And most 'important of all, taught me that freedom' of action and choice, so underestimated by us in the West, is the most well 'precious human dell'essre. A warm hug
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Convert A Dog Cage Into A Rabbit Cage
Hello all, I did not realize it was already Friday again! Then you update a bit. Saturday we went to a beach near here, we crossed a large area and low water Magrovica and we come to a paradise with white sand and the ocean, or near a deserted beach. We enjoyed a lot and also cooled, the water was very pleasant. Sunday we went to Pondicherry, we visited the Ashram, bought some good books on meditation, I was blessed by an elephant and then we actually thought out. It 's not easy. I'm learning. The following day I visited some schools, I taught the children some songs like You Are My Sunshine or ALL TOGETHER NOW and enjoy themselves, then we gave them some sweets and they answered with a tender THANK YOU, TEACHER! and Wednesday morning I got up early to do yoga and then we went shopping at a supermarket a little far from home. Yesterday I went to the vegetable market, we need to get a boat, I made some colorful pictures! Today we went to the beautiful beach, we left early and we were there until 10 and again 'was wonderful. I also tried to meditate. In the afternoon we went to the fish market.
These are the activities that I am, to afternoon around 4 and there's something girls, do some gardening together to play a game that I taught them and then we study English. It is a bit hard 'cause here have a way we first learn to learn English vocabulary and grammar in one thousand years ... so the girls can say words like "silver" but ignore the verbs be and have. so for now the homework help, and we make picccolissime basic conversation.
the evening, very tired and I go to bed early. In the morning I prepare breakfast happily toasted slices of bread and an egg then they are doing all kind I always prepare tea. I'm learning a lot to be autonomous and make me wash my things as clothes dishes the dirt, it's really pleasing to think good to get away from yourself.
I'm very hands tying in Tamil, really keeps me company and I do not poses to be here alone. now I feel part of the staff and I tie a lot with girls.
this week 's all, I hope I did not forget anything a mega kiss to the whole office
soon, Bea
Hello all, I did not realize it was already Friday again! Then you update a bit. Saturday we went to a beach near here, we crossed a large area and low water Magrovica and we come to a paradise with white sand and the ocean, or near a deserted beach. We enjoyed a lot and also cooled, the water was very pleasant. Sunday we went to Pondicherry, we visited the Ashram, bought some good books on meditation, I was blessed by an elephant and then we actually thought out. It 's not easy. I'm learning. The following day I visited some schools, I taught the children some songs like You Are My Sunshine or ALL TOGETHER NOW and enjoy themselves, then we gave them some sweets and they answered with a tender THANK YOU, TEACHER! and Wednesday morning I got up early to do yoga and then we went shopping at a supermarket a little far from home. Yesterday I went to the vegetable market, we need to get a boat, I made some colorful pictures! Today we went to the beautiful beach, we left early and we were there until 10 and again 'was wonderful. I also tried to meditate. In the afternoon we went to the fish market.
These are the activities that I am, to afternoon around 4 and there's something girls, do some gardening together to play a game that I taught them and then we study English. It is a bit hard 'cause here have a way we first learn to learn English vocabulary and grammar in one thousand years ... so the girls can say words like "silver" but ignore the verbs be and have. so for now the homework help, and we make picccolissime basic conversation.
the evening, very tired and I go to bed early. In the morning I prepare breakfast happily toasted slices of bread and an egg then they are doing all kind I always prepare tea. I'm learning a lot to be autonomous and make me wash my things as clothes dishes the dirt, it's really pleasing to think good to get away from yourself.
I'm very hands tying in Tamil, really keeps me company and I do not poses to be here alone. now I feel part of the staff and I tie a lot with girls.
this week 's all, I hope I did not forget anything a mega kiss to the whole office
soon, Bea
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wording For Your Favor Tags Wedding Favors
curiosity 'to know and understand English lessons
India is a land of incredible beauty, the very strong spirituality that is breathed in every corner . Be a volunteer in India means to immerse themselves in a lifestyle completely different from ours. The Indians reception, t.
you like one of them right away. They love to be all and go crazy with happiness when you show towards them curious, asking questions about their culture, their country, their way of life, their religion, and DIVINE '.
Cutting in a community working with them to discover many things about this extraordinary country that would not otherwise have seized. You learn to eat with your hands now, you learn the first words in their language, you begin to know how to interpret, and then to take if you're long enough, the typical charms of the head to say ok
For children of the project should commence, day after day, as well as a stimulus and a curiosity. It 's easy to be involved and not want to go, but it is an experience inimitable leaving the satisfaction of having brought their "drop in the bucket."
India is a land of incredible beauty, the very strong spirituality that is breathed in every corner . Be a volunteer in India means to immerse themselves in a lifestyle completely different from ours. The Indians reception, t.
you like one of them right away. They love to be all and go crazy with happiness when you show towards them curious, asking questions about their culture, their country, their way of life, their religion, and DIVINE '.
Cutting in a community working with them to discover many things about this extraordinary country that would not otherwise have seized. You learn to eat with your hands now, you learn the first words in their language, you begin to know how to interpret, and then to take if you're long enough, the typical charms of the head to say ok
For children of the project should commence, day after day, as well as a stimulus and a curiosity. It 's easy to be involved and not want to go, but it is an experience inimitable leaving the satisfaction of having brought their "drop in the bucket."
Monday, March 9, 2009
Kates Playground Rare Hardcore
a month rich in fantastic and engaging India. An experience that I have already started to suggest to friends after being "bored" with a thousand stories on India and on my own experience. Will you be back tomorrow if I could really start.
Every day I wake up at 8 to accompany children to school and during the day doing activities with them, teaching English as well as local partners. There is much need someone to teach English well. I enjoyed to teach English to children through games and activities. It was good to organize games that involves everyone. See so many smiles and enthusiasm in doing something new with someone new as I was for them.
Turning to visit different communities I have discovered another world, very open and extremely friendly people. You open your eyes to the world how many people live and how we cling to our comfort unnecessary.
All this made me grow up, gave me a greater awareness of my life and greater self-control and discipline issues that too often we tend to put aside at the expense of others besides ourselves.
recommend anyone who's starting to have an experience like that and know India, this extraordinary country.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A3 Poster On Ms Powerpoint?
.... Thank you India
Spend a month for someone less fortunate than ourselves. To be confronted with a culture so different from ours. Here's what he brought to Killai, a small Indian village, in the "House of Smiles" Ekta-Cesvi. Spending time with twenty-eight girls who are unable to live with their families, has given us so much.
In an area where poverty, with the consequences it entails, is characteristic of the majority of people, we understood that, for these girls, the "House of Smiles "is a golden opportunity. An opportunity to be able to develop better capabilities thanks to the many activities available to them: a constant help in the studio, dance classes and singing. Not only that. Living here is to grow into a real family, educated and followed at all times.
Thus we understand why the many smiles exchanged during this month. A happiness that shines through in every face and that is perhaps the memory, among many others, most beautiful of our experience.
gaiety that has plagued us pushing us to get involved and break the usual patterns. Be led by girls in everyday activities has become normal. Who would have imagined that we would delight in his wild dance that we usually avoid them? But India is so, you can not stand aside.
have been busy days characterized by a succession of new experiences.
We just have to thank all the people who accompanied us in helping to make this experience unforgettable. Nandri. Thank you India
Barbara and Clare
Spend a month for someone less fortunate than ourselves. To be confronted with a culture so different from ours. Here's what he brought to Killai, a small Indian village, in the "House of Smiles" Ekta-Cesvi. Spending time with twenty-eight girls who are unable to live with their families, has given us so much.
In an area where poverty, with the consequences it entails, is characteristic of the majority of people, we understood that, for these girls, the "House of Smiles "is a golden opportunity. An opportunity to be able to develop better capabilities thanks to the many activities available to them: a constant help in the studio, dance classes and singing. Not only that. Living here is to grow into a real family, educated and followed at all times.
Thus we understand why the many smiles exchanged during this month. A happiness that shines through in every face and that is perhaps the memory, among many others, most beautiful of our experience.
gaiety that has plagued us pushing us to get involved and break the usual patterns. Be led by girls in everyday activities has become normal. Who would have imagined that we would delight in his wild dance that we usually avoid them? But India is so, you can not stand aside.
have been busy days characterized by a succession of new experiences.
We just have to thank all the people who accompanied us in helping to make this experience unforgettable. Nandri. Thank you India
Barbara and Clare
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