Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Convert A Dog Cage Into A Rabbit Cage


Hello all, I did not realize it was already Friday again! Then you update a bit. Saturday we went to a beach near here, we crossed a large area and low water Magrovica and we come to a paradise with white sand and the ocean, or near a deserted beach. We enjoyed a lot and also cooled, the water was very pleasant. Sunday we went to Pondicherry, we visited the Ashram, bought some good books on meditation, I was blessed by an elephant and then we actually thought out. It 's not easy. I'm learning. The following day I visited some schools, I taught the children some songs like You Are My Sunshine or ALL TOGETHER NOW and enjoy themselves, then we gave them some sweets and they answered with a tender THANK YOU, TEACHER! and Wednesday morning I got up early to do yoga and then we went shopping at a supermarket a little far from home. Yesterday I went to the vegetable market, we need to get a boat, I made some colorful pictures! Today we went to the beautiful beach, we left early and we were there until 10 and again 'was wonderful. I also tried to meditate. In the afternoon we went to the fish market.
These are the activities that I am, to afternoon around 4 and there's something girls, do some gardening together to play a game that I taught them and then we study English. It is a bit hard 'cause here have a way we first learn to learn English vocabulary and grammar in one thousand years ... so the girls can say words like "silver" but ignore the verbs be and have. so for now the homework help, and we make picccolissime basic conversation.
the evening, very tired and I go to bed early. In the morning I prepare breakfast happily toasted slices of bread and an egg then they are doing all kind I always prepare tea. I'm learning a lot to be autonomous and make me wash my things as clothes dishes the dirt, it's really pleasing to think good to get away from yourself.
I'm very hands tying in Tamil, really keeps me company and I do not poses to be here alone. now I feel part of the staff and I tie a lot with girls.
this week 's all, I hope I did not forget anything a mega kiss to the whole office
soon, Bea


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