Help the stepper .... Third installment of LanguageGarage on ADV Magazine
After the theme of ' orality return in the first issue and 'empty' in the second, heading LanguageGarage in the November issue of ADV Magazine hosts my thoughts, along with those of Robert Buzzacchino and a beautiful text by Eleanor Buiatti. Smooth communication and emotional, two-way, interactive, and is immaterial because of its success in the transformation. Helping to move past model and rather than repeat it: the process goes through the revelation rather than the action and it is helpful to ride the wave of chaos to lead docile in the garage of their home.
accept the contradictions go beyond the logical patterns, encourage the flow, to overcome the opposition, we are in transition from Logic to Water Logic Iron, the Water Brand, a way of perceiving, thinking, and to achieve smoother, more elastic and ... interactive.
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