Pentagram = Market levels of statistically reliable
from Gianluca Salvatori
on Vimeo .
This short video is dated May 26, 2010 (afternoon), makes clear how the Pentagram equations based on statistical validity and incontrovertible scientific developments of the standard deviations of displacement felt by the market as very sensitive and responsive levels.
The video shows live as the methodology, natural history, logic and Technological Volumetric analysis of the market, responds in a much clear-cut at this level from these statistical equations. A further tangible proof
not prepared to table in the shooting live, how old protocols applied to the Market Profile ® Volume Profile, are given the technology available to everyone, absolutely dated and anachronistic. The technology to exploit the statistical theories of science, there is now ......... why insist again and again in reconstructing the "calssic" Market Profile ®?
That model was useful to arrive at the current condition, but today is over and it would be unwise not realize it and pretend it is not so.
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