Monday, December 13, 2010
Hiv Testing After 80 Days

Friday, December 10, 2010
Rubbermaid On Sale Ontario
and ...
wood is another good material to be used, which improve other techniques, which have fun on the evening after dinner on the table so loved work, and if the notch tip of the knife, it's good anywhere, as long as is stable, even on the kitchen table is a good candidate .... allowing his wife and girls :-)
A tip of the chisel I would say! is because on balance the long-emblazoned "a knife" is nothing but a outdated technology, just because it is made with a knife ... elusive dangerous and painful for those who carve for hours ...
After trying a few times, after the streets everywhere, and some approaches that slipped dangerously close to your body, I thought ... and if I do otherwise? and so it was ... I began to carve with two chisels, a 5 mm wide and 2.5 mm is often a similar but larger, sharp on both sides.
A couple of tests and ..... the result! Other than days, courses and many other menate for those who have time to waste ... a nice shot of the tail and lots of greetings to the ancient tradition ... and a fast technique and concrete, even more sicuradi a knife to "pull"!
This is an example of the work, and I did nn pe 200 courses to learn, I just reinterpreted the technical gear with more humane, if you have any questions I will gladly give you one, but so that you too will happily give birth to fine carving without the frustration of the old method ... This method must be respected alas living in an age where time is really just need to get busy and optimize without distorting. Good work
Unique Seat Chart Wedding
Connect Pc To Pioneer Sound
here is the friend of many adventures, some can not be seen as a "handyman" given the size, but ... know him better I can happily say that he does his job well, very well. As a good self
curious problems to solve them without me so much about. I bought directly from China, directly from the manufacturer for an affordable price that the costs were higher are the taxes, customs clearance, plus various other accessories such as container inspection, cleaning etc etc
arrival appeared well-packed , with spare piston rings, belts of trapezoidal transmission, all well mounted on a platform of iron enclosed in a multilayer fine.
Given the small size does not need foundation, but require a concrete base on which to drown unap iastra 15mm thick cion for securing prisoners, among the piestra and the base of cast iron was added a layer of rubber with a thickness of 5 mm. All this rests on a plywood plate thickness of 10mm.
E 'was necessary to postpone the foot pedal at the base of the concrete base, right on the base (to include the spaces) was mounted electric motor, using special hardware anti-vibration rubber, and then changed upon the straps of the other trasmisione appropriate action.
The hammer worked well for about a month, then lost power and then by most interesting to me are taken apart piece piece. Noting with great joy that my problem was trivial, that is a grain that was screwed to the cylinder compression lose swing. At first I was very worried, well beyond a simple grain screwed ....
Certainly the time used for the removal was not in vain, I see the way he was the hammer in every smallest part, did a minimal adjustment of old-fashioned way, with file and various tools from "fineur" so old-fashioned, eliminated sporcizioe some small residual sands of the merger and replaced all of the base .... I left without anxiety.
So if you have questions about dell'Anyang hammers, just ask, then I have seen bigger ones up to a C41-45 but on balance they are all almost the same, just change the maximum square / round forgeability. My
I cornered warming myself under a nice piece of 40mm of C45, to build an ax and to my surprise I was able to forge, some meters a little more time but not much. Immediately after running
hio splitting wedges for some nostalgic and Susa also been carried out here are in no more than 25 min. What about
am satisfied to the point of preparing myself made several bats flying from the original sostituitre in exchange for various operations of forging more artistic, and always in C45 not hardened, so as to avoid breakage, which with 245 strokes / min Possoni become very dangerous.
Ram weight (kg) 15
Maximum blow energy(kj) 0.16
Number of blows per minute(min-1) 245
Maximum round steel can be forged(Diameter)(mm) 35
Maximum square steel can be forged(mm) 30x30
Distance from bottom die surface to base(mm) 370
Machine floor space(L x W)(mm) 850x500
Machine height (above the ground) (mm) 980
Motor Type Y90L-4
Rate power(kw) 2.2
Total weight of the hammer (kg) 260
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bulma/vegeta Doujinshi
Laboratory for a new publishing: one moves to the sound of maps. New Slate Dots Lab avantissimo is: I often say that communication is now round in circles ... here it is ...
Check Brother Mfc 9420 Supply Level
I look out the window waiting to find the words to describe our two months in India and the only thing I see is white snow and the milky sky.
So there may be as far removed from what we lived on the outskirts of Madras. Because one of the things that hits you in Tamil Nadu (and India in general) is the use of colors that adorn everything from the inevitable glass bangles sold on street corners to get the saris that women more poor worn with elegance.
Now we are faced with a new home and we often find ourselves in the hands fragments of India. From Delhi to buy lamps to pictures taken at Ananda Illam, the House of Smile when we were guests. And so we hold the duster and think back to everything we tried, the things that made us angry, to those who have given joy to the people encountered and places known.
We lived together with children whose face and melancholy eyes which often resemble those of people from childhood violated, but to whom the fortune, fate or God knows who gave them another chance and if they are deserved all around . We heard how
Susairaj has decided to create this structure, a second home for "our" 24 children, the sad circumstances which led to choose this name and the fear that the lack of funds, due to the crisis that is affecting so many different countries, bring it close to the House.
We have learned to communicate with someone who does not know our language and thinking that Italy is a beautiful country even if he does not know in which continent is.
We felt necessary and unnecessary, surrounded by perhaps undeserved attention and gaze from eyes amazed to see two Westerners walking under the sun of the tropics in an area where it is certainly not for tourism.
We have seen people who would normally enjoy the fruits of a lifetime of work and instead you see the small satisfactions denied retirement because they are forced to work up to when life will no longer be their partner. We
seen places whose names had been hitherto only read about in books or brochures of travel agencies and instead hide, as well as natural and architectural beauty, the lives of millions of people, each with their own beliefs and their beliefs, sometimes or often light years away from ours.
We are sick and healed, we have peered deep within ourselves, having, at times, afraid of what we saw.
Now, in the gray and rainy Milan, I think back to what was written during our stay in India who had remained in Italy, the little things that made us laugh or that we were amazed and I think the mail to a colleague of mine, a Sicilian by birth and arrived here in the north to find work. I remember when, during the most difficult moments, happened to think of returning to Italy, the security that comes from the monotony of days are always the same in the office, I think back to when I wrote that we had tried to go anyway, and that those children, however, understand him and sometimes just ripeterselo because now it seems that everything is within our reach.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
To Celebrate Birthday In Bangalore
Hi everyone!
In this post I will show you how to interact with a browser the web applications developed using the python mod_python apache.
Iteration to be asynchronous with Ajax and then "clean." The exchange of data takes advantage of JSON objects pattern is supported natively by python that javascript.
In groped to explain one possible use to modify the application discussed in previous post in which I spoke of websites dedicated to the python. Post that I suggest you read, understand and test otherwise you would not understand the changes that we make because some parts of the code by referring only to omit the file.
Before I stressed because pure in this case we will not use javascript frameworks like jQuery or something written in javascript but Manella that I actually plagiarized from the network) I am not good at javascript as I reach there very few times, but as I said a professor of computer science at higher ".. if you have the basics to learn a new language just a handbook of language, a vocabulary of English, and two weeks ...." the two weeks I have reduced the google: D
However, the amendment is to make sort the table containing the list of dedications on the type of information held in the name of the column and quini just clicking on it all from Ajax and JSON.
The operating mechanism is as follows:
1. The user clicks on the column name to sort such as Nickname.
2. Through a service called Ajax python module index.py
3. index.py incorporates data from the db sorted by nickname
4. returns data to the Ajax call.
5. received the data in javascript empties and fills the table.
To do this we need to make changes to the model view and the controller (which if you read the post above that I inicio know what I'm talking about).
remember if the file had DedicaDAO.py findAll method that dealt with recovery of all objects from the db type devotes only ever retrieve data sorted by Date Added, good fit for our purpose we must make it parametric. Then replace the previous one with the following piece of code:
do not need to explain what was the real change?
To generate JSON objects to be passed in response we will use the python module 'json', which is already present in its base installation. In particular userme a function (dumps) but it only accepts lists and dictionaries (which, as you will see the python syntax for these structures is almost identical to JSON).
fact, if we want to be a JSON object of dedication that's how it's done:
{"message": "Hello World !!!!!!!!!!!", "Nickname": "Piergiuseppe", "id": 20, "dataInserimento": "11/21/2010 18:12:17", "email": "piergiuseppe82@yahoo.it"}
That there remember? A Python dictionary.
close the brackets and add the method of similarity toDict () class Dedica.py:
as you can see the date is converted to a string because otherwise we will pass the various bodies devoted to the method of the form json python going wrong. This is because it does not support datetime objects
As for the controller that we have to add our file index.py only the new method will be used to provide the belongings JSON Ajax call, here is the metdo:
seize the method as a parameter as you can see the sort which by default is "dataInserimento" then loads the data from the model with findAll of a dao (line 5). Received the dedications is preparing a new empty list and the office with a dictionary devoted for each (rows 8 and 9) and returns the list of objects json transforming the list containing the dictionaries with education json.dumps () (line 10)
How do you see it's easy to create JSON objects in python.
Actually you can already test the service. Indeed we do so confident that the server side of comunizione Ajax is tt ok. To do that deployed to the changed files on apache and call the following url:
the result in browser should look like this (of course if you have already entered the dedications db the previous version of the application):
[{"message": "Hello World !!!!!!!!!!!"," nickname ":" Piergiuseppe "," id ": 20," dataInserimento "" 21/11/2010 18:12:17 "," email ":" piergiuseppe82@yahoo.it "}, {" message ":" Hello !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "nickname": "Piergiuseppe82", "id": 21, "dataInserimento" "21/11/2010 18:12:46", "email": "piergiuseppe82@yahoo.it"}, {"message": "ssssssssssssssssssssssss", "nickname": "aldo", "id": 22 " dataInserimento ":" 08/12/2010 19:14:34 "," email ":" aldo@mail.it "}, {" message ":" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz "," nickname ":" frank "," id ": 23, "dataInserimento": "12/08/2010 19:56:05", "email": "franco@mail.it"}]
That is a list of JSON objects.
We said that when the user clicks on a column should trigger an ajax call to get the json objects right? So here is how it should psp be changed to display a list of dedications; listaDediche.psp:
The content is as above plus we added the tag "thead" and "tbody" identifying this' last with the id "tbDedicheBody. We will use this solution only to repopulate the body of the table through javascript. Obviously we've made the column names of the links which point to the javascript function that deals with the ajax call and re-stocking. Let's look at a case closely: As
see is a link that points to the service that we included in the link controller which is passed to the javascript function "CaricaDediche ()" in conjunction with the chosen (in this case, nickname).
JavaScript functions we put them in a file that contains two functions for communication ajax and another dedicated to those populating the table.
js Then create a folder (directory index.py lying in or where you like) and enter the following files:
the code you see I got it from html.it a post on that board and read to understand what the code does. It provides two functions both cross-browser provides us with a suitable browser XmlHttpRequest object must for ajax calls and text of the constants used to facilitate call handling, the other elements of the DOM by id.
Even I did this code cloning here and there.
caricaDediche function starts at line 51 and see how He takes as parameters the name of the file to retrieve and urinate. Let's see what the function. After receiving the parameters retrieves the object XmlHttpRequest (r.54) opens the connection (r.62) notatte here that the sort order is passed as a parameter to the url get hanged. After opening the connection to the line 68 starts listening on changes in state of the latter. When you return to the complete and the outcome is positive (r. 71-73) transforms the received text in JSON objects (r.75), and then cleans the body of the table. Then for each json returned it builds the HTML code for the link to edit and delete (r. 79 to 80) and adds the row to the table (r. 81).
Note how you access the attributes of the object or json obj.id obj.messaggio that if you notice are the same names we have given to python dictionary.
Well the last change is to include the javascript file generated from the html nell'heder mod_python header.psp then open the file and add the tag between "head" the following html code:
There remains to deploy and test.
tt I have not explained why the java script is not the purpose of the post .. and as I said is to illustrate a possible use of python to generate JSON objects to use asynchronous calls in client-server via HTTP. However
think now possible to use python framework used for developing Rich Internet applications first of all GWT Google . I know that a little thought to prove I do this pairing. And if something good comes out there the place.
click here if you find the source of the eclipse project
Well I'm done I'm going to drink one (or more) GUINNESS! Next time!!
Broken Veins In Babys

Monday, December 6, 2010
Has Anyone Used The Tower 200
Pink Spots On Roof Of Mouth
... I worked in an antique shop, learning the construction techniques of the time, the procedures for verifying the available iron (years of incorrect or false copyright ...), cleaning, recovery, restoration.
Aging scheduled for shares sunk then replaced from scratch.
So even this experience in this specific work environment, gave me the opportunity to understand the difficulties of the age in which fosssero to construction.
very useful and I would say almost spent the long days were fundamental to consult the collections of Urban scenes throughout the text: Ancient Secrets of the blacksmith, the keys apply What ancient heart of iron; to frequent the amateurs and artisans Veneti iron, from which to learn the techniques of soldering copper and brass, keys and build masters, locks and safety tips, a great world still further and to discover.
Today we must reinterpret this ancient art in a modern way because I say, the iron still has a lot to give, creating living forms, organic, surreal, looking for the suggestion, the visual impact, the incredible ; vitality of a work well done. So
are also available for restoration and creation of keys and hinges, locks for drawers, doors and scigni every type of antique furniture, the only problem? Taking the time to sit down and discuss the work, the level of finishes, special requests, the final result that we want to give your piece to be restored. We realize
also patches of different shapes, the 400 now, with fine carvings, cut with a laser scalpel and not !!!!!! in short, the old know-how at your complete disposal.
nice day
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Roof Of Mouth Sore And Red

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Is Saree Allowed In Islam
Wat Is Today's Gold Rate In India
Westernchikan Grope Izle
An excellent book for those who want to start taking the first steps in java. Interesting and very useful to first focus all'UML so that the reader understands well the OOP programming and then move on to how to use the jdk and pull up the first little program, and finish aspects + advanced java. A bit dated but the content is still valid for those who want First, even indispensable.
Gallbladder Or The Flu
One Piece Nami Nico Robin Hot

This is the theme of Cristina Rossi workshop strongly supported the City of Legnano dall'Avis UNA Hotel today.
communicate the sense of giving and membership of the Avis Group, to be able to capitalize on the network to share experiences, inform and involve the ' user charges on an important issue such as the donation of blood.
no coincidence that the first social campaign was produced right on the Italian donation blood in 1971 with the collaboration of the three major institutions transfusion (Avis, Italian Red Cross Transfusion Centres and the Italian Association). Ll national need for blood, according to the instructions of the ISS, is calculated at around 3.3 million units per year. To achieve these figures should be at least 1.3 million donors, but in our country we are far from reaching this figure, and then from self.
essential and therefore communication and network development. The seminar is open to volunteers aims to provide the basic tools for using the web and socialmedia. The workshop is visible in direct streaming from lombardy dell'Avis site in collaboration with 2Lifecast .
The work introduced by: Ettore Degli Esposti, Communication Resp reg.le Avis, Robert Stevanin, AVIS CHAIRMAN LEGNANO ; Domenico Giupponi, REGIONAL PRESIDENT AVI S
The workshop is organized by my friends of the blog: Fabrizio Bellavista, LORENZO GUERRA collaboration with Andrea Genovese and CINZIA MORETTI .
Friday, December 3, 2010
Airtel Balance Through Debit Card Hdfc

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
What To Wear Iceskating
arrived from work, I think ... I'm bored and I want to do something even if I do something else, so why not do it ... I look around with the forge and anvil already on sparkling because of frequent use, take a piece of reinforcing rod 8 mm Ø I look at it carefully and wondering what I could try to do ... little further, spheres bought long ago for a gate of carpentry ...
warm it round and do two curls at the ends, then take the ball and I think now will place both at the ends, seamless and without outside help.
with only two hands, a hammer, a pair of pliers flat beak and the anvil on which to place the pieces ...
a couple of rehearsals to go empty (understood as sliding ball and rod) and then the insight (well, who knows what but not the feeling of having understood the gesture and sequences useful), then its success.
no precise use of the finished piece as a paperweight if you do not ... although this simple game to date gives Bena THERE forms complex assembly without welding and without nails, as it was a short time, few tools but a net know-how.
the evolution of nesting in the next post, maybe now better go to work iron, eh?
How To Make A Air Hole
again here to tell ...
New works, new ideas ...
The query: implementation brackets "T" on sight, decorative outdoor shed, the only data available from the width of the beams on a piece supplied by the customer
The idea ... as are the beams were hewn by hand is very irregular, very good for the country effect wanted alas, difficult to match with the brackets with bracket final to ensure the same bracket, so I opted for brackets equally in terms of space maximum, with the final split, double curve with curls ... similar but not identical, without altering the geometric variability of the beams
I opted for this solution To keep quell'irregolarità sought by the customer. The nails are
derived from a square bar of 8 mm side, pulled the hammer with a hammer on the anvil head created by dedicated tool.
Nails pyramid head, length about 80 mm (underside) for a
mounting brackets are provided "raw" to the customer, the anti-rust treatment was then carried out later, before mounting.
I am waiting for the final picture after installation (I will publish as soon as I arrive), for now I am attaching some photos of the processing, several steps and the finished work.
Orajel Penis What Happens
at the request of his friend, without drawings or particulars, only a request that was prompted by the need for a avferne ... in fact made by me ... and well volentiri we agreed the price and timing.
carte blanche for the rest, shape, weight and style ... in short, they trust friends, they would not be friends right?
then continue with the work ... balance between, ribs and stalactites of chalk to draw the shapes on a rusted metal ... slowly advancing. Three
three legs because besides being a magic number, in the case of a coat stand is essential for stability without compromise.
legs of Ø 16mm, with large-willed and well-off final flattened 60mm short, dedication and commitment to a stable and without commitment, on balance better appender to a ram from one side to roll it home and destroy all the tiles gust of wind.
wary of chinoiserie commercial sale for little more than a pair of shoes ... is cheap now, valgon do nothing and the effect they do ... that is left to be desired ...
Better to do the work to be willing and committed craftsmen, who evaluate each case and the client agree with him rislutato final, more often than it saves, but it is difficult to understand until you have "noticed" the endless troubles that you are subject, and then throw them in the best case scenario and let them take up space in closets.
Far pays well! and gives "other" satisfaction ... Good
the first short
Took Maalox Now Stool Is Black
I went to the dealership to buy a new car ... search and research, ask and ask ... pulls the price, add this, take that ...
the owner of the dealership in question after the story of my activities metalwork asked me, should I make a gift to my girlfriend, soon it's Christmas (two days before!) You could build something? Maybe a cat? Now I was million cats in mind, alas I had to mind the local and sincerity of my sanity and then answer, of course! The only problem is that a cat "original" artistically speaking in two days, forged ... was not possible ...
stood at the desk then look for a photo on his computer that he remembered that he had saved years before ... a cat stylized bronze sculpture of an unspecified area of \u200b\u200bProvence .... I rate the picture and accept the job ... specifying a priori the change in some parts not to run into problems in the future, with the artist in question.
Gattaccia here is a picture of the hot ...
certainly be original and very important, distinguished from those who knows someone who can do invent, alas the equipment to work in some way must also pay for it not? So popular is charged!
worked all day without stopping, to hammer and hammer, to make up a cat that on balance (per customer request) was not much of a laser cutting ... except for one small detail, the "boiling" are shallow to allow a very rough surface and animal prints.
Resperdal Hyperhidrosis
then threw down a very simple sketch on paper, "the cheese" for instance, the one that gives more satisfaction because at random and tortured as needed
made to the draft, finished the project ... I took the hammer and started to clap with enthusiasm on the part, both the numbers were drawn by hand and seamless piece from the same initial
a house because of the extreme form and not very useful in everyday life ... you know, the postman working and running fast, star in front of a house number in the right way to interpret it, is also a job then a waste of time ... but this matters little to me, so I saw the house in my thoughts and another could not be
perhaps not so much the lack of imagination as the postman today's lack of time that requires a rapid succession of stages and sound joyful and playful contemplation
13 notes ...
Distinguish Between Lease And License
... primitive gestures, very rough, random words ... learned as they were, looking at photos online, trying again and again ...
everything a jacket disposed of, under a roof, as he descended the snow ... without a hood, with smoke colored (green-yellow-gray) of coal (anthracite) that gave a blanket and a distinctive scent enviable even days away ...
yen, many ideas, not knowing how to do ... then practical training and further education ... any return from work, was divided, just the few hours available that gave meaning to the day, pleasure, life ...
and mind to Saturday and Sunday ... days when the weather is so much and not working, but have fun with the iron!